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Monday, October 4, 2010

multimedia software and Communicating device

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Question :Prepare a Seminar Paper on Communicating device and multimedia software ?
Question From :

3 rd year Computer science
Farook college ,Calicut

Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. The term can be used as a noun (a medium with multiple content forms) or as an adjective describing a medium as having multiple content forms. The term is used in contrast to media which only use traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material. Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video, and interactivity content forms.

Multimedia software
Multimedia s/w are the software’s used to work out multimedia functions such as image ,video ,music editing ,drawings, and so on. Such a way we can say  the multimedia  s/w are in several types, are discussed bellow

1)Painting and drawing Tools
            Painting and drawing Tools as well as 3-D modelers are perhaps the most important item in your multimedia toolkit because ,of all multimedia elements, the graphical impact of your project will likely have the greatest influence on the end user. If your artwork is uninteresting ,both you and your user will be disappointed .
 Eg: if you design a web site suppose the design of your web site is not interesting then no one visit and use your site ,means both you and  your end user are disappointed .
Painting s/w like Fractal Design painter is dedicated to producing crafted bitmap image. Drawing s/w like CorelDraw and Canvas is dedicated to producing vector –based liner art easily printed to paper using photo script or other page markup system .
Features of a drawing or painting s/w
  • An intuitive graphical user interface with pull-down menus ,status bar ,and dialog box for quick logical selection .
  • Scalable dimensions, so you can resize ,starch and distorted both large and small bitmaps.
  • Paint tools to create geometric shapes from squares to circles and from curves to complex polygons.
  • Ability to pour a color ,pattern ,or gradient in to any area .
  • Customizable pen and brush shape and size.
  • Support for scalable text fonts and drop shadows .
  • Multiple undo capabilities ,or to let you try again.
  • Support for third-party special plug-ins.
  • Zooming, for magnified pixel editing .
2) 3-D modeling and animation tools
3-D modeling software has increasingly entered the main stream of graphic design as its ease of  use improves .As a result the graphic production value and expectations for multimedia project have risen. With 3-D modeling s/w objects rendered in perspective appear more realistic ;you can create stunning scenes and wander through them , choosing just the right lighting perspective your final rendered image Important for multimedia developers , many 3-D modeling application also include export futures enabling you to save a moving view or journey through your scene as a Quick Time or AVI animation file .The main use of the 3-D modeling and animation tools are to modeling our imaginations ,it may be any scientific or artificial development  and also by using animation tools we can give motion to the models.
Eg:  (Modeling packages): Macromedia’s Extended 3D,Auto Desk’s 3D Studio max……etc
Features of a good 3-D modeling package
  • Multiple windows that allow you to view your model in each dimension ,from the camera’s perspective and rendered preview .
  • Ability to drag and drop primitive  shapes into a scene.
  • Lathe and extrude futures.
  • Color and texture mapping.
  • Ability to add realistic effect such as shadowing ,fog etc..
  • Ability to add special light effects.
3)Image Editing Tools
This applications are specialized and powerful tool for enhancing and retouching existing bitmap image. This application also provide many of futures and tools of painting and drawing programs and can be used to create image from scratch as well as image digitized from scanners ,video frame-grabbers, digital  camera clip art files ,or original art work files created with a painting or drawing package.
Futures of an image editing tool
  • It should provide multiple windows to understand the variation of original image and edited image.
  • Good masking features.
  • Multiple undo, redo options .
  • Direct input of image from scanners and video sources.
  • Image balance control for brightness, contrast and color balance .
  • The package should good in advanced font, effects, filter options, layout and all other user customization.
Eg: Photoshop is a powerful example for image editing tool
4)OCR Software
OCR means optical character reorganization .With OCR s/w ,a flat-bed scanner ,and your computer ,you can save many hours of rekeying printed words , and get the job done faster and more accurate than a roomful of typists .
Eg: If you are printed some mater related to your seminar topic .days later the soft copy of that paper will missing ,at that time you needed  the soft copy then you should type all the matter inside that printed paper. But by using an OCR s/w and a scanner you can create the soft copy of that printed paper with  in a minute.
How OCR works
OCR s/w turns bitmapped characters into electrically recognizable ASCII text. A scanner typically used to create the bitmap . Then the s/w brake the bitmap into chunks according to whether it contain text or graphics, by examining the texture and density of areas of the bitmap and detecting edges. The text area of the image are converted to ASCII character using probability and expert system algorithm.
5)Sound Editing programs
Sound editing tools for both digitalized and MIDI (musical instrument digital interface )sound let you see music as well as hear it. Using sound editing s/w you can record and edit your sound and use any purpose  . Most of the sound recording studio use any powerful recording s/w
EG: Nuendo, fruty loop etc..
In sound editing s/w we can see the wave format of recorded sound ,and we can reedit the waves . editing of sound means add new bits of sound ,modifying bit rate ,tempo modification etc. But the mixing of sound means to mix multiple track of sounds in to one . Both the mixing , recording and editing works can be done by using a powerful sound editing s/w.
6)Video Editing programs
These are multimedia s/w same as the sound editing s/w. In a sound editing s/w we edit the sound but in video editing s/w we edit video captured by any digital format . 
Eg: ulead video studio , Microsoft movie maker, etc...
7)malicious s/w
Also we use some other malicious s/w, are power point ,multi media players ,musical players etc...


Communication is a process whereby information is enclosed in a package and is channeled and imparted by a sender to a receiver via some medium. The receiver then decodes the message and gives the sender a feedback. All forms of communication require a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, however the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication in order for the act of communication to occur. Communication requires that all parties have an area of communicative commonality. There are auditory means, such as speech, song, and tone of voice, and there are nonverbal means, such as body language, sign language, paralanguage, touch, eye contact, through media, i.e., pictures, graphics and sound, and writing.

Communication device are classifted in to several categary are shown bellow

Network Communication Devices

There are different communication devices such as routers, hub, switches and brides. These devices are required to transmit the data between one computer and another.  Based on the infrastructure of your network, you need to use different devices.  Hub and Switch are the LAN devices and the router is a LAN/WAN device.  These devices provide the medium of sending and receiving the data and connect the LAN and WAN segments of a network. 

The other network devices are gateways, CSU/DSU, wireless access points, modems, ISDN adapters, proxy, firewall, multiplexer, digital media receiver, load balancers and the NIC adapter.
Each of these devices plays a specific role in a computer network and only the complex and the large network use all these devices.  Being a network engineer or the systems administrator, you need to know the role and features of each device in your network.


Hub is a LAN networking device and every computer in an Ethernet based network is directly connected with the hub. All the computers that are connected to the network share the same bandwidth.  When a hub receives the data packets at one of its port, it distributes the data signals to all the ports in a network. 
When two or more computers try to send the data signals at the same time, a collision occurs and the process is known as Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection.  Hubs are usually come with the 4, 8, 16 and 24 ports.  In the data communications, a hub is a place for the convergence where data arrives from multiple directions and forward to the multiple directions. The most advanced form of the hub is the intelligent or smart hub that contains the management software which is used to troubleshoot the most common problems.


Bridges are the networking devices that divided up the network into different segments to reduce the amount of traffic on each network.  A bridge blocks and forwards the data packets based on their MAC addressees.  Be blocking the unnecessary traffic to enter the other part of the network segments, it reduces the amount of traffic and the other issues such network congestions and the bottleneck.  There are following three common types of the bridges.
  • Transparent Bridge
A Transparent bride is invisible to the other part of the computer network and it performs the functions of blocking and forwarding the data packets based on the MAC addressees.  They are the most popular types of the bridges.
  • Translational Bridge
Translation bridges are used to connect the two different networks such as Ethernet and Token Ring. It translates the data and forward to the other network.
  • Source-Route Bridge
Source-Route bridges are designed for the Token Ring networks.  In the Source-Route Bridge, the entire route of the network frame is embedded into the frame.


A network switch is a LAN/WAN communication device. It joins the multiple computers together in the LAN and WAN.  In the LAN, the switches do not broadcast the data to all the connected computers like the hub.  Based on the IP/MAC addresses of the computer, a switch sends data only to the destined computer.  Switches operate on the data link and network layers of the OSI layers model.  Different models of the switches support the different number of the connected devices.  In the LAN, switches support 10mbps 10/100 mbps or 100mbps data transmission speed.  A switch conserves the bandwidth and offers the grater performance than the hub.


A router is a networking device that is used to connect the two or more logically and physically different networks.  On the internet, the routers plays the functions of sorting and distribution of the data packets based on the IP addresses of the destination router or computer.  Router use the header and forwarding table to choose the best shortest path to transmit the data towards the destination. A router is used to connect the two LANs, two WANs, and LAN with WAN and a LAN with the ISP network. Router uses the ISDN, frame relay, ATM and other communication technologies. A router operates at the network layer of the OSI model.

Portable communications devices
Portable communications devices refer to hand-held or wearable devices. For example, the Walkie Talkie is a device that is hand-held when in use, and wearable when not in use. Portable telephones (cellular telephones) are also carried, or worn, on a belt, or in a pocket.
More recently, portable devices have also become usable when worn. For example, most walkie talkies come with a VOX (Voice Operated Xmit) capability so that they will work hands-free, when used with a wearable microphone. Many telephones such as the Motorola Star Tac also feature an earpiece that allows the phone to be worn and used hands-free. The Star Tac was the first wearable cellular telephone, in the sense that it was the first that could be used while being worn.


A modem (modulator-demodulator) is a device that modulates an analog carrier signal to encode digital information, and also demodulates such a carrier signal to decode the transmitted information. The goal is to produce a signal that can be transmitted easily and decoded to reproduce the original digital data. Modems can be used over any means of transmitting analog signals, from driven diodes to radio.

Low-power communication device

In telecommunication, a low-power communication device, also short range device (SRD) is a restricted radiation device, exclusive of those employing conducted or guided radio frequency techniques, used for the transmission of signs, signals (including control signals), writing, images and sounds or intelligence of any nature by radiation of electromagnetic energy. Examples: Wireless microphone, phonograph oscillator, radio-controlled garage door opener, and radio-controlled models.

Wireless communication device

Wireless communication is the transfer of information over a distance without the use of enhanced electrical conductors or "wires".[1] The distances involved may be short (a few meters as in television remote control) or long (thousands or millions of kilometers for radio communications). When the context is clear, the term is often shortened to "wireless". Wireless communication is generally considered to be a branch of telecommunications.
It encompasses various types of fixed, mobile, and portable two-way radios, cellular telephones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and wireless networking. Other examples of wireless technology include GPS units, garage door openers and or garage doors, wireless computer mice, keyboards and headsets, satellite television and cordless telephones.


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