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Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Intel 8088 Architecture

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Question :Write a seminar paper about Intel 8088 Architecture and pin diagram  ? (10 mark)
Question From :
1st PG Computer science
Farook college ,Calicut

The Intel 8088 microprocessor was a variant of the Intel 8086 and was introduced on July 1, 1979. It had an 8-bit external data bus instead of the 16-bit bus of the 8086. The 16-bit registers and the one megabyte address range were unchanged, however. The original IBM PC was based on the 8088.

The Basic Architecture of the Intel 8088

Below is a block diagram of the organizational layout of the Intel 8088 processor. It includes two main sections: the Execution Unit (EU) and the Bus Interface Unit (BIU). The EU takes care of the processing including arithmetic and logic. The BIU controls the passing of information between the processor and the devices outside of the processor such as memory, I/O ports, storage devices, etc.
 General Registers
The general registers are categorized into two sets: data and address. The data registers are for calculations; the address registers contain memory addresses and are used to point to the locations in memory where data will be retrieved or stored.
Examining the diagram shows that there are four pairs of registers at the top labeled AH, AL, BH, BL, CH, CL, DH, and DL. These are the data registers. Each of these registers is 8 bits long. Each pair, however, can also operate as a single 16 bit register. AH and AL can operate as a pair referred to as AX. This combining of registers is simply a concatenation, the 8 bits of AL simply tacked to the end of the 8 bits of AH. For example, if AH contains 101100002 (B016) and AL contains 010111112 (5F16), then the virtual register AX contains 10110000010111112 (B05F16).
Question:If CX contains the binary value 0110 1101 0110 10112, what value does CH have?
Answer: CH contains 0110 11012.
Intel has given each of these computational registers a name. These names are listed below:
  • AX - Accumulator register
  • BX - Base register
  • CX - Counter register
  • DX - Data register
Below the data registers in the block diagram are the address registers: SP, BP, DI, and SI. These are officially referred to as the pointer (SP and BP) and index registers (DI and SI). These registers are used with the segment registers to point to specific addresses in the memory space of the processor. We will address their operation in the section on the segment registers. It is sufficient at this point to say that they act like pointers in the programming language C or C++. Their basic function is as follows:
  • SP is the stack pointer and it points to the "top plate" or last piece of data placed on the stack.
  • BP (base pointer), SI (source index), and DI (destination index) are all pointers that the programmer has for their own use.
The Flags
Imagine the instrumentation on the dash board of a car. Blinking on and off occasionally behind the speedometer, tachometer, fuel gauge, and such, are a number of lights informally called "idiot lights". Each of these lights has a unique purpose. One comes on when the fuel is low. Another lights up when the high beams are on. Another warns the driver of low coolant. There are many more lights, and depending on the type of car you drive, some may even replace a gauge such as oil pressure.
Now let's go back to the processor. There are a number of "idiot lights" that the processor can use, each one based on the result of the previous operation. For example, the addition of two number might produce a negative sign, an erroneous overflow, a carry, or a value of zero. Well, that would be four idiot lights: sign, overflow, carry, and zero.
Each of these idiot lights, otherwise known as flags, can be represented with a single bit. If the resulting number had a negative sign, the sign flag would equal 1. If the result was not a negative number, (zero or greater than zero) the sign flag would equal 0. (Side note: Motorola processors more correctly refer to this flag as the negative flag.)
For the sake of organization, these flags are grouped together to form a single number. That number is the flags register shown at the bottom of the EU section of the processor diagram. The individual bits of the flags are arranged as shown in the figure below:
The group of flags in the figure identified as control flags are used to control how the processor runs. These are typically controlled by the user's software. The group of flags in the figure identified as status flags are usually set by the previous operation as in our addition example.
Example 1:
Question:Assume the flag register is set as shown below after an addition. Using these flags, what can you tell us about the result?
Answer: As a result of the addition, there was no overflow (OF=0), the result is negative (SF=1), it isn't zero (ZF=0, but you could've also told us that because it is negative), and there was a carry.
Example 2:
Question: If you were to add the binary number 101101012 and 100101102, how would the flags be set?
Answer: First, let's add the two numbers to see what the result is.
  1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
+ 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
Now just go from left to right through the status flags.
  • OF=1 -- There was an overflow, i.e., adding two negative numbers resulted in a positive number.
  • SF=0 -- The result is positive.
  • ZF=0 -- The result does not equal zero.
  • AF=0 -- For now we won't worry about the auxiliary flag.
  • PF=0 -- For now we won't worry about the parity flag.
  • CF=1 -- There was a carry.
Arithmetic Logic Unit
As implied by the name, the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is the computation portion of the EU. Any time arithmetic or logic needs to be performed on numbers, the numbers are sent from the general registers to the ALU, the ALU performs the function, and the result is sent back to the general registers.

EU Control System
The EU Control System is a set of gates that control the timing, passing of data, and other items within the execution unit. It's analogous to a manager in business who doesn't necessarily know the details of the operation, but they plan what happens, where it happens, and when it happens.
Bus interface Unit

Instruction Pointer
The Instruction Pointer (IP) can be found toward the bottom of the group of registers in the center of the BIU. This register is an address register just like the SP, BP, DI, and SI registers in the EU. The difference is its purpose. The IP points to the next instruction to execute from memory. I will elaborate on this in the section on segment registers.
Segment Registers
In the center of the BIU section of the processor organizational block diagram is a set of registers labeled CS, DS, SS, and ES. These four registers are the segment registers and are used in conjunction with the pointer and index registers to store and retrieve items from the memory space.
My anal readers probably noticed that our address registers are 16 bits wide while the address space of the 8088 is 20 bits. (The memory space of the original 8088 is 220 = 1 Meg.) So how does this work? Are four of the address lines just ignored since we can only send 16 bits of information from our addressing registers? Of course not.
Next time your Windows operating system throws up an error, look to see if it gives you the address where the error occurred. If it does, you should see a number that looks something like:
This number is actually the combination of 2 registers: a segment register (the number to the left of the colon) and a pointer or index register (the number to the right of the colon). Note that a four digit hexadecimal number results in a 16 bit binary number. It is the combination of these two 16-bit registers that creates the 20-bit address line.
To do this, take the value in the segment register and shift if left four places, i.e., add four zeros to the right side of the number. In our example above, 324116 = 0011 0010 0100 00012 becomes 3241016 = 0011 0010 0100 0001 00002. This value is then added to the pointer or index register. This makes the value from our example:
  0011 0010 0100 0001 0000 (hexadecimal 32410)
+      1010 0011 0100 1110 (hexadecimal A34E)
  0011 1100 0111 0101 1110 (hexadecimal 3C75E)
This computation takes place in the "Address Summing Block" located directly above the segment registers in the BIU in the organizational block diagram.
Therefore, the process of trying to access a single location in the 8088 processor's memory space takes three things:
  • a 16-bit segment address contained in one of the segment registers;
  • a 16-bit offset address contained in a pointer or index register; and
  • a 20-bit physical address which is the output from the address summing block.
If we look at this from the memory space point of view, the segment register shifted left four places so that four zeros are filled in from the right points to an address somewhere in the memory space. The offset address is then added to it to point to an address within the 216 = 65,535 (64K) locations above where the segment register is pointing.

There are two purposes for this summation of segment and pointer registers to access a single, physical memory address. First, it allows the processor to access more address lines (20 in the case of the 8088) than it has bits in its address registers (16 in the case of the 8088).
There is, however, a more significant reason, a reason that allows you to load multiple programs at one time. It is called relocatable code. Let's put it this way, if you're loading both Microsoft Word and Netscape at the same time, does it matter which one you load first? Of course not.
The way this works is that the program itself has control of the pointers and index registers. It's as if they have a 64K block of memory to jump around in wherever they want. The operating system, however, has control of the segment registers. That way it can force a program to reside in a specific segment of memory. As long as the segment value stays the same for that program, and the program only manipulates the pointer and index registers, then there will be no errors. When something messes up one of these registers so that the physical address being pointed to is outside the allowed range for the program, that's when the "blue screen of death" appears.
Each segment register has its own name as shown below:
  • CS - Code Segment - A register pointing to the area of memory where the code is stored
  • DS - Data Segment - A register pointing to the area of memory where the data is stored
  • SS - Stack Segment - A register pointing to the area of memory where the processor temporarily stores register values in case they get messed up
  • ES - Extra Segment - A register pointing to where ever the user wants it to point
Some of the segment registers and pointer registers are set up to operate in pairs for a specific purpose. These are:
  • CS:IP -- code segment:instruction pointer points to the physical address of the next instruction in memory to execute.
  • SS:SP -- stack segment:stack pointer points to the stack in memory, a temporary storage place for data.
  • DS:DI -- data segment:destination index points to the physical address in memory where data is to be stored using a pointer.
  • DS:SI -- data segment:source index points to the physical address in memory where data is to be retrieved using a pointer.
Bus Control Logic                     
The Bus Control Logic is a set of gates that control access to the external bus of the 8088. This includes all external memory devices, I/O ports, and other resources that communicate with the processor through the bus.
Microprocessor designers, in an attempt to squeeze every last bit of speed from their designs, try to make sure that every circuit is doing something productive at all times. If their is an idle circuit, then try to see if it can't predict what it should be doing and perform that function. If it predicted wrongly, then through the result away. If it predicted correctly, then time was saved and code was executed faster.
The most popular application of this theory is with the execution of the machine code instructions. In general, the execution of a machine code instruction can be broken into three stages:
  • fetch -- retrieving the next instruction to execute from its location in memory
  • decode -- determining which circuits to energize in order to execute the fetched instruction
  • execute -- executing the instruction
When examining the architecture of the 8088 processor, you may notice that there are three separate circuits which perform these three tasks.
  • The bus control logic performs the fetch.
  • The EU control system performs the decode.
  • The ALU performs the execute.
If the bus control logic is done fetching the current instruction, what's to keep it from fetching the next instruction? It may have to guess what the next instruction is, but if it guesses right, then the EU control system won't have to wait for the next instruction to be fetched once it's completed the execution of the current instruction.
And once the EU control system has finished telling the ALU what to do to execute the current instruction, what's to keep it from decoding the next instruction while it's waiting for the ALU to finish? If the bus control logic guessed right about what the next instruction is, then the ALU won't have to wait for a fetch and subsequent decode in order to execute the next instruction.
This is called pipelining, and it is an important method for speeding up the operation of a processor.
Keeping with our simple three part process for executing an instruction, the example below shows how much time can be saved with pipelining. (Note: "F" represents the fetch cycle, "D" represents the decode cycle, and "E" represents the execute cycle. The subscript after the letter indicates the instruction number.)
Processor operation without pipelining

Without pipelining, five instructions take 15 cycles to execute. Now let's see how fast those same five instructions are executed using a pipelined architecture.
Processor operation with pipelining





Fifteen cycles reduced to seven. That's quite an improvement. If this pipelining thing works, it can make the processor appear a great deal faster. In fact, the following equations represent the difference.
number of cycles(non-pipelined) = 3 * number of instructions
number of cycles(pipelined) = 2 + number of instructions
Therefore, if the number of instructions is quite high, the number of cycles required of a pipelined architechture is almost 1/3 of that of the non-pipelined.
Question: What is the difference in the number of cycles required to execute 50 instructions between a pipelined and a non-pipelined processor?
number of cycles(non-pipelined) = 3 * 50 = 150 cycles
number of cycles(pipelined) = 2 + 50 = 52 cycles
Instruction Queue
The Instruction Queue is the mechanism in the Intel 8088 processor that handles the pipelining function.

The 8088 external architecture - pin functions

The 8088 microprocessor is contained in a 40 pin IC (a standard 40 pin dual in-line package, DIP). Each of these pins is assigned a number (1 to 40, anticlockwise from pin 1) and a label. Pin 1 is normally indicated by a dot in the package. The ``pinouts'' (pin numbers and labels) are shown on the data sheet, together with the fubction of each pin. The following describes the function of some important sets of pins. 

Two important connections are power (+5V) and ground, to pins 40 and 20 respectively. Also, some timing device, usually an I8284 clock chip must be connected to the CLK input(pins 19).
The memory address, a full 20 bits, is available on pins AD0-AD7, (pins 16 to 9), A8-A14(pins 8 to 2), and A15-A19(pins 39 to 35). Address lines A8-A15are valid for the whole CPU cycle in progress. The low order byte, however, shares its output with the data inputs or outputs, and the high order 4 bits share its outputs with status information. The memory address appears first, and then these pins are used to input or output data or status information. (This multiple use of a set of pins is called ``time multiplexing''). Note that we must have the full address available, in order to obtain data or instructions from memory; therefore we must retain, or ``latch'', the low byte of memory during the time it is available on pins AD0-AD7, and the high order 4 bits on lines AD18-AD19.
To help in ``capturing'' or latching the low order address byte and the high order 4 bits, another output is available. This is the ALE (Address Latch Enable) output, used to ``strobe'' the address into an address latch. The falling edge of the ALE output occurs at a time when the address is stable on , AD0-AD7 and can be latched in an external register (say, a set of 8 D flip flops) at this instant.
There are three very useful control pins, namely, IO/M(pin 28), RD(pin 32) and WR(pin 29). indiIO/Mcates whether the CPU is addressing a memory device or an I/O device. When IO/Mis at logic 1, an I/O device is currently being accessed. This is the only output which distinguishes between I/O and memory operations.
RDis a ``strobe'' output, which indicates to external devices that the CPU wishes to input data from memory or an I/O device. When RDis at logic 0, the CPU expects data to be placed on the data bus; this data must be stable when RDmakes a 0-1 transition.
WRis a strobe output which indicates to external devices that the CPU wishes to output a byte of data to a memory location or an I/O device. When WR is at logic 0, it is guaranteed that the data output on the data bus is stable, and should be captured by memory or an output device. Note that when the CPU is operating at its maximum speed, the RD and WR strobe outputs have a duration of about 320 ns. This is all the time available for memory or an output device to capture output data, or for memory or an input device to present stable data to the data bus of the CPU.
The execution of any instruction in the 8088 processor consists of a series of READ and possibly WRITE operations, each of which transfer a single byte of data between the CPU and memory or an I/O device. Each READ or WRITE operation is referred to as a machine cycle and each instruction requires at least four machine cycles.
It is convenient to distinguish 7 distinct types of machine cycles, each of which can be distinguished by the output of the two STATUS pins, SS0 and DT/R, and the IO/Mpin. The 7 cycles are the following:
Machine Cycle
opcode fetch (OP)
memory read (MR)
memory write (MW)
I/0 read (IOR)
I/0 write (IOW)
interrupt acknowledge (INA)
bus idle (BI)
The only machine cycle not associated with a read or write operation is the bus idle state.
Each machine cycle consists of a number of distinct states, with each cycle consisting of four or more states. The states are denoted T1, T2, T3, Tw, T1. An arbitrary number of wait states (Tw)may be inserted if the READY pin is held low. Wait states are inserted after T3 is completed. Each state has a duration of one clock period.
The states are executed in the order T1, then T2, T3, Tw, T1. During state of each machine cycle, the memory address appears on the address lines AD0 -AD19, and ALE (Address Latch Enable) goes high and then low. (The lower 8 address bits should be latched, in, say, an 8 b T1 it D latch on the falling edge of ALE). RD and WR always remain high during T1. (This is because the complete address is not available until ALE makes a high to low transition).
Also, the status lines SS0, DT/Rand IO/Moutput appropriate values which indicate which machine cycle is in progress.
During state T2 data is made available (or is expected) on the data line AD0- AD7 . (Of course the low order address byte disappears). The RD or WRoutputs go low when the data is stable on the data lines. During state T3the data must be held stable and is input to or or output from the processor. The READY input is also tested to see whether WAIT states Tw should be inserted.
During state T1 the RD and WR outputs go high, and the data disappears from AD0 -AD7. Note: the data should be strobed into memory or into the CPU by use of the WR or RD pulses.
Note the sequence of events:
During State  T1
1.        ALE goes high, at the beginning of  T1
  1. IO/Mand the status lines s0, S1assume their appropriate values
  2. at about the middle of T2, ALE again goes low, indicating that the address lines contain a stable value.
During State  T2
1.        address information disappears from  AD0-AD7
  1. RD goes low, to indicate that an external device (memory) should place its data on the data bus.
During state  T3
  1. data is held stable for input to or output from the processor.
  2. the READY input is tested. If READY is low during T3, then a WAIT state, Tw is inserted. This allows more time for the external device to place data on the data bus. (No outputs change during Tw).
During state  T1
  1. RD goes high to indicate that whatever was on the data bus has been input.
The ISA bus has signals IOR and IOW which are obtained from the M/IO and RD or WR signals which are adequate as strobes for data from I/O devices. For most I/O devices, the address is decoded to select the device (using the ``chip select'' input, and the IOR and IOW lines are connected to the appropriate read and write inputs, respectively. These signals cause the data to be read or written at the appropriate times. When both the chip is not selected and the IOR or IOW signals are not asserted, the outputs from the device remain in a high impedance state.
Difference between 8088 and 8086 microprocessor
 instruction queue as the length varies in 8088 from 8086.
16-bit chips differ from their 8-bit bus versions in their Bus Interface Unit design. The instruction queue on 16-bit chips is 6 bytes long, while on 8-bit versions it is 4-bytes long.
The important distinction between the 8086 and the 8088 is that the 8086 processor had a 16-bit external data bus and a 16-bit internal data bus whereas the 8088 processor had an 8-bit external data bus and a 16-bit internal data bus.
otherwise they have essentially the same architecture

 difference between an 8088 microprocessor and an 8086 microprocessor is the BIU. In the 8088, the BIU data bus path is 8 bits wide versus the 8086's 16-bit data bus. Another difference is that the 8088 instruction queue is four bytes long instead of six.


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